Butterfly Release Delaware
Yes, We have a USDA permit to ship Monarch Butterflies for release to Delaware Delaware has an average temperatures above 62°F with the minimal chance of a Freeze from Mid April through the End of October. You may safely consider having a Delaware butterfly release anytime the outside temperature is above 62°F and there is no possibility of a hard freeze in the forecast. |
When planning a butterfly release it is important to note that monarch butterflies have difficulty flying should their body temperature be below 60°. For this reason Mr Butterflies advises their clients, not to order butterfly for a time and in a place where the average daily high temperature is not expected to be 65° or warmer. Please use the "Weather Channel" link to check the average daily temperatures where you are planning to release the butterflies.
For our clients needing butterflies shipped out immediately for a Funeral, from April through October Mr Butterflies is usually able to ship out butterflies on the same day that they are ordered.
• © 2021 Added Touch Celebration, Inc. •