Butterfly Release Louisiana
Yes, We have a USDA permit to ship Live Monarch Butterflies to Louisiana. Louisiana being one of our southernmost states make it an ideal candidate for butterfly releases. Consider having an Louisiana butterfly release anytime the outside temperature is above 62°F. |

When planning a butterfly release it is important to note that monarch butterflies have difficulty flying should their body temperature be below 60°. For this reason Mr Butterflies advises their clients, not to order butterfly for a time and in a place where the average daily high temperature is not expected to be 65° or warmer. Please use the "Weather Channel" link to check the average daily temperatures where you are planning to release the butterflies.
For our clients needing butterflies shipped out immediately for a Funeral, from April through October Mr Butterflies is usually able to ship out butterflies on the same day that they are ordered.
Mr Butterflies currently has USDA permits to ship their butterflies to all states EAST of the Continental Divide, with the exception of NY. We are able to service NY via an affiliate, but require that NY orders be placed at least three weeks in advance.
• © 2021 Added Touch Celebration, Inc. •